Life beyond the screens.

February 19, 2020

How do you spend every normal day of your life? Avatar
The 400 Blows(1959). dir-François Truffaut
Waking up from the fine confinement of your rooms and getting everything at your premises? The romanticism of life ain’t the same for everyone. They say parents and your family are the safe havens for you, they say they will be there for you through thicks and thins. But what if they are the ones causing you trouble? Sadly, parenting is still a thing where many people aren’t adept in. Many of us still visualize our kids as the scapegoat of our unachieved desires, we see them as the instruments of attaining things for which we aren’t capable of. But is that the conclusion of parenting? Our kids have their own world. Let them be the sailor of their oceans, Avatar
Capernaum(2018).dir-Nadine Labaki
rather than being the boat of your streams. Let them fly and fell down. Yes falling down hurts but rising up again heals like nothing else. Let your kids have their own stand, let your kids have their own thoughts. Let our kids be our kids only, not a messiah, not a dream fulfilling machine. Just kids, a full-fledged and breathing human being.